Monday, November 29, 2010

Military Pay Freeze

The president’s proposed pay freeze would wipe out plans for a 1.4 percent across-the-board raise in 2011 for 2.1 million federal civilian employees, including those working at the Defense Department. But the freeze would not affect the nation’s uniformed military personnel. It would also mean no raise in 2012 for civilian employees.
“At a time when our nation’s seniors have been denied a cost-of-living increase and private sector hiring is stagnant, it is both necessary and quite frankly long overdue to institute a pay freeze for the federal workforce,” Representative Darrell Issa, a California Republican who is likely to become chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said in a statement.
This is not the first time Mr. Obama has addressed government pay to make a political point. He froze the salaries of his own top White House staff members when he took office 22 months ago and later extended that to senior political appointees throughout the government and canceled their bonuses.
Courtesey NY Times

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